Health and Safety – Fire Safety Training and Planning

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Health and Safety – Fire Safety Training and Planning

Categories: Fire Safety
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About Course

This free online course teaches basic fire prevention measures and evacuation procedures in the event of a fire.

The best way to avoid fires is to prevent them in the first place. This brief course provides the essential components to help you preempt fires in the work environment and take action in case a fire does occur. You will explore all the possible causes of fire and the measures required to mitigate them. Despite all these precautions, there are times when fires will occur. Be prepared for this kind of emergency by taking this course.

What Will You Learn?

  • Explain possible causes of fire
  • Outline preventative measures to stop a fire from occurring
  • Summarize serious life safety hazards
  • Discuss the importance of approved storage areas
  • Indicate various fire protection systems and their locations
  • Describe the importance of a sound emergency evacuation plan
  • Identify where you should locate an evacuation plan
  • Recall the steps to take in the event of an emergency procedure
  • Recognize how to aid individuals who require assistance

Course Content

Advance Concepts

Basic Concepts

Your Instructor
